TVBS 42台 “得奬的事“ 有小立喔 明天中午11:00-12:00 http://popblog.tvbs.com.tw/blog/TheWinner/

目前分類:威廉 Diary (82)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

The recording is finally over! Can't wait for everyone to hear the song!


這一次要謝謝權泰恩製作人為我作這麼好的歌! 還有易家楊老師幫我寫的詞!
還有所有的錄音室的所有的工作同仁 THE SAM COMPANY,星光 Jason Allen 圭石還有所有所有的工作人員!

謝謝你們的幫忙和照顧! 讓我的第一首歌成功誕生!




中文版  愛是流動的

韓文版  Friend











錄音室門口 等一下就要進去錄音了...












成俊 錄音師






leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The recording session today was a big success!
I had fun recording my very first mandarin song with help from everyone in the studio here in Seoul.It is an honour to work with famous producer,權泰恩 who also produced Rain's songs.
Tomorrow,I will be recording the Korean version.Will do my best even though I don't speak Korean!
There was also a really cute cat in the studio...


這是我第一次在韓國首爾錄製我的第一首中文歌,非常的順利. 在所有的工作人員的幫忙下很順利錄製完成.










大家都辛苦了 謝謝你們~

這個貓咪會用手喝水喔 影片




leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I'm happy to announce that 'Almost Perfect'has made 10 million RMB in ticket sales in the 1st 4 days since opening on the 1st of Aug.Thank you to everyone who watched it and for those of you who have not,don't miss it or you will miss out on all the laughs!
I'm now in Seoul and will record my first mandarin song tomorrow.I'm quite nervous but excited at the same time.I'm sure everyone will like the song as it is a nice sing-along song.I hope everyone will look forward to my song which should be out by the middle of August.
Here are some photos not shown before from my movie!

我要很高興的告訴大家 '十全九美'電影從8月1日開始上映4天已經超過一千萬了! 要很感謝有去看十全九美的觀眾.還有如果沒有去看的人要趕快去看,不要錯過這個充滿笑聲的電影!

我現在韓國, 明天就要錄製我的中文歌了. 感覺好緊張同時也覺得很興奮! 我相信大家一定會很期待這首中文歌. 希望八月中大家就可以聽到了!

這裡是我在十全九美電影裡還未公開的照片, 還有電影宣傳的照片!

''十全九美"  裡面的 饅頭 "女"

十全九美的發佈會當天剛好是我的生日, 我好開心也好感動大家準備好大的蛋糕幫我慶祝








'十全九美' 西安見面會

'十全九美' 西安新聞發佈會

'十全九美' 西安新聞發佈會


'十全九美' 上海新聞發佈會


十全九美' 上海見面會


十全九美' 長沙見面會


十全九美' 長沙見面會


leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

大家等了很久我的背後的故事終於播出了, 希望大家能在節目了解到我背後的故事.

八月三日 首播:周日21:00
八月四日 重播:周一7:00 13:20









leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I attended and performed at a charity event on 19th of July. it was to help children and many stars were there from Korea as well. It was a big success! Don't forget to watch my movie on the 1st of August the premiere is on the 30th July at Wanda plaza in Beijing what a great birthday present for my self! I'm very excited!

我在7月19日參加了一個公益活動,是國際明星友好慈善夜. 這是和很多國內的藝人還有韓國的藝人一同
為需要幫助的兒童而成立的. 今天很順利的達成義賣的目標, 所有的義賣的都會給人口福利基金會去幫助

不要忘了去看我的電影喔! 我的電影將會在8月1日上映! 首映會會在7月30日在北京



























leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

I'm happy to tell everyone that I'm finally going to sing some chinese songs.I think everyone,including myself has waited a long time for this!

The press con that was held on the 15th of june to announce this was a great success.

I'm sure that 'Starlight International' who will be responsible for my EP, will fully make our cooperation a success.

Another piece of good news is that my movie'Almost Perfect' will finally be out on the 1st of Aug!It's official.

Well, I guess good things happen all at once and What better time than on my Birthday month!

Its been a great month for me and I just want to say enjoy the Olympics,look forward to my songs and watch my movie!

很開心的要告訴大家我終於要錄我第一首國語歌了, 我相信大家包括我自己都等了很久了..

6月15日的發布會非常成功! 我相信新合作的星光國際公司將會把我第一個Ep製作的非常棒, 非常成功的!

還有我要跟大家說我另外一個好消息是我的電影 '十全九美' 將會在8月1日正式上映!

最近有很多的好消息在發生, 特別是在我生日的這個月! 真的覺得很開心!

這個月對我來說有很大的期許. 希望大家會期待這個月奧運的到來, 還有期待我的歌,還有一定要去看我電影喔!








leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(24) 人氣()

I would like to thank everyone who went to the charity concert in Wuxi and Lee yang.

It was a success and I'm sure  we have been able to  help  the Sichuan victims a little more.

Also  thank you to all my fans from Wuxi,Lee Yang and Shanghai.I like all the presents and also felt the amazing response when I was singing on stage!

I have given many interviews and shot for  fashion magazines in China recently.  I will list them as they appear from July onwards.I'm in Taiwan's  june issue of Cosmopolitan magazine and will also be on the cover of VMAN MAGAZINE july issue in Taiwan and 時報週刊.Oh, You can also  watch me on 三立都會台 '型男大主廚' today, 27th june  at 7pm and 1am.

Still looking forward to the movie at the end of August and hope to see everyone again soon!



也要謝謝所有無錫, 溧陽還有上海的朋友們. 我很喜歡你們送的禮物! 在台上表演時受到大家熱情的支持!

最近在內地接受需多媒體的專訪,還有拍攝時尚雜誌. 請大家密切注意,我也會跟大家說.

台灣的朋友們可以在這一期柯夢波丹6月份雜誌看到我. 在7月份 'V man' 雜誌封面還有時報週刊會有我的專訪. 今天27日晚上7點,重播1:00 在三立都市台 '型男大主廚'可以看到我做菜的一面喔!




謝謝你們為我設計的 T-shirt 我很喜歡!!








小龍包很好吃!! 還來不及拍照就吃完了..




leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(16) 人氣()

I recently saw a request for me to write a birthday wish to one of the victims of the quake.This girl lost her mother so I really hope this  message will get to her:

最近我得知有一個消息, 希望我給他在四川的妹妹說生日快樂. 知道在這一次在她媽媽在四川遇到意外,希望我可以鼓勵她,希望她能看到這一封信:



很抱歉我不知道妳叫什麼的名字, 最近才得知你的狀況...

我知道最近有很不幸的事發生, 這突然的消息一定讓你覺得非常難過. 

希望妳能勇敢的堅持下去, 我知道失去妳親摯的母親是一件非常大的傷痛.現在你需要很大的勇氣和努力繼續堅持下去.


聽說妳的生日是在5月中, 我想在這裡跟你說生日快樂! 我知道現在要重新開始一定會很辛苦, 但只要妳堅持就一定可以的! 這一段時間是你在生命中最難熬過的一段時間, 但妳要記住我們會一直在妳身邊支持妳幫助妳!




I wish to inform everyone that I will be appearing at a charity show in Wuxi on the 9th of June in aid of the earthquake victims.Please show your support by attending this event.

Thank you.


我很誠摯的希望大家在5月9日我會在無錫出席 "心手相连重建家园" 四川賑災义演晚會,所得的款項會全數捐給在四川需要的同胞們.

很希望大家能參加這一次的活動義演. 謝謝!


leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(14) 人氣()

I just returned to Taipei from Beijing and I'm very sad about the disastrous earthquake that happened a few days ago.It affected everybodys mood during the promotion for the movie " Almost Perfect".

I would like to encourage everyone to donate to the cause and also pray for all those who are still missing and injured.

Just want to remind everyone to appreciate everyday and spend more time with your loved ones.

I will give an update in my next blog on the movie and all the programes and magazines that I will appear in.

Please lets all do what we can for the earthquake victims.

Thank you.

我剛從北京回來台灣在內地宣傳十全九美的電影, 在宣傳期間剛好發生地震, 這次的意外讓我感到非常的震驚也令我感到非常的難過....

經歷這一次意外的災難讓我深深的體會到我們要珍惜每一天, 要珍惜我們身邊所愛的人....

我也會盡我最大的力量去幫助所有受災的同胞們,  我在這裡呼籲希望大家能捐助在地震災區需要幫助的人, 讓我們大家一起祈禱,  即使有一絲的希望也不要放棄! 幫助他們重整家園.




leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(13) 人氣()

The movie "Almost Perfect"that I did last year will launch in China at the end of May and I'm very excited!

I will be going to China for promotions starting in Hunan on the 9th and 10th of May then in Beijing on 11th and 12th.I will also attend the Premiere at the end of May in Shanghai.

I'm looking forward to recording the tv shows and doing all the interviews with the press.Definitely hope to see all of you as well!

You must all watch it as it is a romantic comedy and You will see a very different side of me!


去年我在雲南大理拍的古裝片 "十全九美" 終於要上映了! 十全九美這部電影會在5月底會在內地全國上映


我將會在9日, 10日到湖南長沙宣傳, 11日12日到北京宣傳. 5月底會到上海宣傳參加首映會.

很期待這次宣傳會上電視節目還有各個媒體專訪 , 也很期待我即將又會跟大家見面!

你們一定要看這一部浪漫喜劇電影!  在這部電影裡, 可以看到不一樣的立威廉!!


"十全九美" 電影


leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

I've been in Taiwan for a couple of weeks now and caught up with some friends.I also had a chance to meet a couple of friends who  came over from HongKong.They just got married in Vancouver and I would like to congratulate them!

I met them when I was in HK a few years ago and they have been together for many years so I'm very happy for them!

I just watched a movie called "Definitely,Maybe" and I think it is pretty good!

It is a romantic comedy about meeting the right person at the right time.If you meet the right person at the wrong time then it is also not going to work. I thought the movie was quite touching.Maybe if you are free in Taiwan, you can watch it.


我兩個禮拜在台灣難得有時間跟我朋友見面. 剛好這一次我有兩個香港朋友來台灣可以碰面. 他們兩個是我認識多年的好友,  他們已經在一起很久了. 前一陣子在溫哥華結婚. 我很替他們開心!

回來台灣這段期間有時間看電影, 最近看了一部電影 "愛情三選一" 是浪漫喜劇愛情推理片. 是敘述人在談戀愛時如果遇到對的人但時間不對, 也不能在一起. 或時間對了遇到不對的人也不能在一起. 這一切都是緣分. 我覺得這一部電影很好看. 有很多的感動.  大家有時間可以去看喔!  



David , Jeff and me!

Me and Jon and 小籠包

剛結婚幸福的Alana and Jon

我和Allen!! 記得嗎?他是 "天國嫁的嫁衣" 裡的 Stan!


leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

I recently found out that there is someone impersonating me on Friendster.I would like to inform everyone that I'm not on Friendster or any other public websites and it is someone else pretending to be me.Please do not be fooled by this person and be careful.

If the person pretending to be me is reading this then be warned that it is an offence to impersonate someone on Friendster and legal action will be taken against you when you are traced.

最近發現有人用我的名字在Friendster交友, 我想告訴大家我沒有加入或在網站上交友,  請大家小心! 不要上當!

如果有人發現這個人或是你看到這篇文章請你小心! 請你趕快把你的帳號取消! 因為你已經犯法了! 請大家注意! !

leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Well, First of all, thank you to all of you who came down to support me that day at Olivia's concert. It was good to see you again after so long!

I had some fun that night singing my song with Olivia as a duet. It gave the song a new life, I think...Hope everyone enjoyed it.

Funky was packed full of people and the atmosphere was pretty good. All the best to Olivia's album!

Anyway, I'm looking forward for my new movie to be released in July and also to start work on a new drama.I will have a busy year ahead for sure.

I will definitely keep everyone informed of the details of where I will be filming and what drama and movies as soon as its confirmed!

See everyone again soon!


真的很高興那天來看我支持我的朋友們, 很開心能在見到你們!!

我跟小歐合唱 Can't smile without you 有一種特別不同的味道, 感覺特別的新鮮! 


那天在Funky 人非常多, 氣氛很好! 演唱會很成功! 祝福小歐的專輯大賣!

我很期待電影在7月份會上映, 再接下來的一年都會非常的忙碌.








有一種特別不同的味道的 Can't smile without you





leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

On the 4th of April at midnight, I will be a guest singer at Olivia's concert.The venue is Funky

I have not seen many of you in Taiwan for quite a long time!

I hope to see all my beloved fans there! Olivia sings really well and I hope that all my fans and

hers will support us that night and enjoy the party!


這星期五4月4日晚上12點我會擔任閻韋伶演唱會嘉賓, 地點是在Funky

很久沒有跟台灣的朋友見面了!! 我很希望在這裡跟很久沒見面的大家碰面! 小歐唱歌真的真的很好聽喔! 希望喜歡她跟我的朋友們, 可以一起來聽這一次的演唱發表會!


小歐 Olivia's song


Olivia's blog


表演地點  "Funky"  當天門票350元  Tel: (02) 2394-2162




leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

This is a photo of me and my hairstylist.

His name is Byrne and he has been cutting my hair in Taipei since I first went over almost 4 years ago.
He is a really cool guy and I think he is very skillful.The salon is in Zhongxiao East Rd opposite Sogo.It's called UNEEK.
It's also a really comfortable salon with a massage chair.So if you are looking for a new stylist then maybe you can give UNEEK a try!
這是我和我的髮型師的照片,  他是我從第一部戲"天國的嫁衣" 就開始剪我的頭髮.從我剛來台灣到現在已經快要四年了.
他感覺就是很酷的感覺, 而且技術很好,他的公司叫UNEK在忠孝東路sogo那裡.在附近都有很多好吃的餐廳, 每次減完頭髮就會到附近去吃飯.
他的剪頭髮的地方感覺很舒服, 洗頭髮的地方還有按摩椅,常常洗頭髮都會洗到睡著. 如果你再找好髮型師或舒服的地方弄頭髮 ,可以去那邊試試看喔!
我的髮型師 Byrne

leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

 It was the last day of the Lunar New Year a few days ago(yuan xiao) and the chinese believe that eating sweet dumplings will bring good fortune.

It is a good thing that I have almost fully recovered from my dental surgery and I managed to eat a couple filled with sesame.Yummy...(I think some good fortune will not hurt either)!

I have been able to eat almost all the things that I like again from a few days ago, like pizza and some potato chips!You always appreciate things more when you can't have them for a period of time...
Still have to stay away from food which are too big in size or really hard.
I also started going to the gym again after stopping for 3 weeks.
Feel much better and stronger now!
前幾天是元宵節,  中國人相信吃湯圓可以帶來好運!我牙齒的傷口快好了,所以可以慢慢吃湯圓. Yummy...希望可以帶給我一些好運!
我這幾天可以開始吃一點我喜歡吃的東西了, 像pizza跟洋芋片.之前牙痛完全不能吃自己想吃的東西.現在才懂得珍惜. 但我現在還是不能吃太硬或太大塊的東西.
這幾天也開始運動, 已經三個星期沒運動了. 現在可以運動,一開始運動就覺得身體舒服多了, 也變強壯了!

leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

I'm happy to report that I am recovering from my dental surgery.The pain finally stopped after a week.I'm Still on a liquid diet and always feel hungry.
Hope everyone had a good rest and ready to face the rest of the year!
It's also been many years since I have been able to stay home, watch tv and just idle the time away.Also managed to sleep a lot.That's the fastest way to recover.
I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day and hope you will all be with your loved ones today.It is important to let the closest people around you know how important they are in your life.
In fact, everyday is Valentines Day if we can all be sincere!
Ok, Have fun!
 我要很開心的跟大家說:這次的手術很成功! 過了一個星期後終於不痛了..但是現在也還只能吃流質的食物,所以肚子會一直呈現飢餓的狀態. 希望大家已經過了一個充實的新年假期. 其實我已經有好幾年沒有待在家裡好好的休息,拍戲之後一直沒有好好睡好覺過. 希望大家有情人或沒情人的都可以在這一天過個開心的情人節! 最重要的是,趁著情人節跟你愛的人, 和重要的人表達你的心意喔! 希望大家每天都可以開心的像過情人節!
Have Fun! Happy Valentines Day!





Happy Valentine's Day



leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

It's Chinese New Year again and I will like to wish everyone a Prosperous and Happy New Year!I hope everyone can go home for the holidays because I know that the weather has stopped many types of transportation in China.
Anyway, I will be home in Singapore for Chinese New Year but I will have to rest at home because I'm going for dental surgery on the 5th of Feb.I have to do an implant and pull out 2 wisdom teeth.I've had this problem since I was 14 years old. Long story...
Very nervous about it. I will only be able to eat soft food for a week at least.No New Year Goodies for me.My face will probably be swollen for a while too.
I have to do it during the holidays because I will be very busy and have to be fully recovered by the end of Feb.
Other then that, I'm looking forward to the New Year and all the projects I have lined up!Will keep you updated.
Have fun and good luck!
又要快要過新年了! 我要祝福大家新年快樂萬事如意!希望大家都能順利回到家過年, 因為今年冬天天氣不好影響到交通, 很多人都會被影響到過年返家.
我會在新加坡過年, 但今年沒辦法慶祝, 因為我要做植牙的手術. 2月5日要拔掉2個智齒還有植牙. 這個問題在我14歲的時候就有了, 一直到現在才有時間去開刀做手術. 開刀的傷口會很痛, 臉恐怕要一個禮拜才會消種,  所以今年不能好好吃年夜飯了.....
過年後我就要開始忙了. 我很期待今年的計畫! 我會繼續通知大家我的消息.

leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

I'm back in Taipei for a few days and I managed to attend a painting exhibition in between my busy schedule. 

I think the paintings are quite beautiful and part of the sales will also be donated to Charity.If anyone is interested, the exhibition is until 31st Jan.

It's quite cold over here although not as cold as Beijing or Shanghai.
It's been quite a cold winter so try and stay warm whatever you do.
Don't get sick before the Chinese New Year holidays!
I'm sure everyone is looking forward to The New Year!
我已經回來了台北幾天, 雖然很忙還是可以找時間參加畫展.
我覺得畫都很漂亮, 而且畫的收入會作為公益捐給關懷歡呼兒, 幫助需要用呼吸器維生的兒童. 這個畫展公益活動到1月31日. 在 "社教館"台北市八德路3段25號B1第一展覽館, 如果有興趣可以去參觀.
台灣現在在還蠻冷的, 但是沒有像上海還有北京那麼冷.今年的冬天很冷,希望大家注意保暖不要在過年的這段期間感冒了喔!

leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I was in Shanghai shooting a HP endorsement and then in Guangzhou for an awards ceremony where I performed.

Its been awhile since I performed on stage and I was really happy to sing!
I want to thank all of you who went to Guanzhou to support me and all the wonderful presents!
I also love the food over there! I was never a big fan of porridge but I could not get enough of it in Guanzhou! 
Its been a good year for me overall and I hope that 2007 was good to everyone too!

前陣子我在上海拍攝手機代言的廣告,還有參加風尚盛典的頒獎典禮. 之後去廣州參加南方盛典的表演.
我已經有好一陣子沒有站在舞台上唱歌了, 這一次真的很開心可以上台表演.
真的很感謝在廣州去支持鼓勵我的影迷朋友們, 你們帶給我這麼好的禮物! 我真的覺得很開心很感動.
我在廣州時也享受到很多廣州的美食, 我從來都很少吃粥,但這一次吃到廣州的艇仔粥, 真的讓我覺得好吃到不行!
今年的年終到年尾都是我一個很豐收很好的一年, 也希望大家的2007年也是很好的一年喔!


你們相信嗎? 這裡只有0度...真的好..冷喔.....



這是和我一起拍 "綠光森林" 裡的小天喔!











今天我演唱的是 綠光森林 裡的 "Forever"






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