
I just returned to Taipei from Beijing and I'm very sad about the disastrous earthquake that happened a few days ago.It affected everybodys mood during the promotion for the movie " Almost Perfect".

I would like to encourage everyone to donate to the cause and also pray for all those who are still missing and injured.

Just want to remind everyone to appreciate everyday and spend more time with your loved ones.

I will give an update in my next blog on the movie and all the programes and magazines that I will appear in.

Please lets all do what we can for the earthquake victims.

Thank you.

我剛從北京回來台灣在內地宣傳十全九美的電影, 在宣傳期間剛好發生地震, 這次的意外讓我感到非常的震驚也令我感到非常的難過....

經歷這一次意外的災難讓我深深的體會到我們要珍惜每一天, 要珍惜我們身邊所愛的人....

我也會盡我最大的力量去幫助所有受災的同胞們,  我在這裡呼籲希望大家能捐助在地震災區需要幫助的人, 讓我們大家一起祈禱,  即使有一絲的希望也不要放棄! 幫助他們重整家園.





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