Hi!The year is drawing to a close and I hope everyone has had a fulfilling year.
There is always next year to look forward to anyway!
I've had a tiring but fantastic year and I hope next year will be much better!
I also hope to spend more time with family and loved ones too.
Of course I will be seeing more of all my super fans out there at events.
Hope to be able to bring more entertaining films your way!
Have a Happy 2011 and may all your dreams come true!
今年過的很雖累可以很有成就感 希望明年會有更好的表現! 希望明年我可以多跟家人朋友相處
也可以多和我的粉絲見面 在這最後一天 祝大家新年快樂 願大家的願望夢想在2011年都能夠實現.....
我在新加坡吃的美食 分享給大家看看!!
這是新加坡的聖誕 orchard road 街景氣份很濃厚!
我最愛的印度餅 裡面有起司和蛋!prata