
It is time to reflect on the past year again and plan for the next. We should always set goals for ourselves no matter how small.Maybe, you want to save more money for a new radio or computer. Or you want to be in the top ten in your class.Or maybe you just want to do better in a subject that you are weak in. Do not be afraid to challenge yourself.Only by challenging yourself, will you be able to achieve your goals. Remember only to set realistic goals so as not to be dissappointed.  Also, whatever you do in 2008, please think of those less fortunate than yourself and appreciate what you have instead of wishing for more. Happiness is enjoying what you already have and sadness is when you always want what you can't get.

Wishing everyone a Happy New year!

Happy 2008!


新的一年又要到了. 在新的一年裡可以好好的計畫在新的一年裡有什麼計畫.
每一年都可以幫自己訂出一個目標,不管大或是小, 也許是你想存錢為自己買mp3或是一台電腦.或是你想成績進步到班上的前十名, 也或許你想多加強你比較弱的科目.
不要害怕對自己做挑戰, 因為只有挑戰自己才會達到你想要的目標.你也會達到你所要的目標.
記得只能訂你實際上可以達到的目標,不然如果目標訂的太高, 到時候沒達到目標你會覺得很失望. 不管你在2008年做什麼.也要想想在世界上還是有一些需要幫助的人. 所以我們要珍惜身邊的人事物.珍惜自己是幸福的!
Happy 2008!
祝大家2008年都有很好的一年! 新年快樂!
快到年底了! Happy New Year!!

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