
It's Chinese New Year again and I will like to wish everyone a Prosperous and Happy New Year!I hope everyone can go home for the holidays because I know that the weather has stopped many types of transportation in China.
Anyway, I will be home in Singapore for Chinese New Year but I will have to rest at home because I'm going for dental surgery on the 5th of Feb.I have to do an implant and pull out 2 wisdom teeth.I've had this problem since I was 14 years old. Long story...
Very nervous about it. I will only be able to eat soft food for a week at least.No New Year Goodies for me.My face will probably be swollen for a while too.
I have to do it during the holidays because I will be very busy and have to be fully recovered by the end of Feb.
Other then that, I'm looking forward to the New Year and all the projects I have lined up!Will keep you updated.
Have fun and good luck!
又要快要過新年了! 我要祝福大家新年快樂萬事如意!希望大家都能順利回到家過年, 因為今年冬天天氣不好影響到交通, 很多人都會被影響到過年返家.
我會在新加坡過年, 但今年沒辦法慶祝, 因為我要做植牙的手術. 2月5日要拔掉2個智齒還有植牙. 這個問題在我14歲的時候就有了, 一直到現在才有時間去開刀做手術. 開刀的傷口會很痛, 臉恐怕要一個禮拜才會消種,  所以今年不能好好吃年夜飯了.....
過年後我就要開始忙了. 我很期待今年的計畫! 我會繼續通知大家我的消息.

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