It is the 1st Anniversary of the Szechuan earthquake.(5.12.)
I would like to remind everyone that the victims of the quake still need a lot of help and hope everyone will keep donating financially or physically.
Take note that Just 200 RMB can help a child stay in school for one more year.
I was involved in an auction in Chengdu to help children from the disaster and managed to auction my watch for 150 000 RMB!
Many thanks to Mr Ju Wei for his kind and generous donation.
It will bring much happiness to the children of the quake.
Also,thank you to all my fans who helped to make the event a successful one.Really appreciate it and always good to see all of you!Thanks for the spicy soup base too!Delicious!

這是紀念四川512地震發生的一週年了. 我要提醒大家不要忘記這個日子, 在這裡還是需要很多大家的幫助.
希望大家能夠多奉獻自己的力量, 幫助在這裡需要幫助的人.
只需要200人民幣就可以幫助小朋友在學校念一年的書. 這幾天為了四川的小朋友到成都參加地震的慈善拍賣, 在當晚很感謝琚先生的愛心, 拍賣以15萬人民幣買下我的手錶!
真的非常感謝琚先生的愛心!! 我會將這份公益所籌得的捐款捐給在四川地震的小朋友.
也要謝謝到現場支持這個公益活動和我的朋友們! 非常感動你們不論在任何地方永遠的支持我! 謝謝你們的愛心! 謝謝你們帶來的好吃的名產和麻辣鍋底!






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