
I had a pretty good time filming 'Jump'.I managed to do something a little different because of the role I had to act in.It's my 2nd movie and I can't wait for it to premiere.
It was really cold during filming in Shanghai.About -3 degrees. The lowest temperature I've worked in.Even colder then during 'Green Forest'.
It was a great experience to work with all the other actors and production staff including Stephen Fung and Kitty Zhang.It was a good joint production by HongKong and Mainland China.Everyone on set was very efficient.
Hope everyone will watch it when it's out.I'm sure It's going to be a great movie with laughs, dance and romance!

拍攝電影跳出去的過程非常的愉快和順利! 在這部電影我在裡面的角色和以往的角色有很大的不同. 這是我的第二部電影, 很希望很快的大家就可以看見. 在上海拍戲的時候天氣只有零下三度非常的冷, 比我之前在綠光森林拍戲時還要更冷! 在拍戲的過程中, 跟所有的工作人員演員和雨綺以及還有馮德倫導演在一起合作是一次非常美好的經驗!
這次的電影是由香港還有內地兩地的合作, 合作的非常的成功!
希望大家會支持這一部電影, 這一部電影會帶給大家浪漫幽默以及有趣的舞蹈畫面! 請大家拭目以待!!



和工作人員大家開心合照! 殺青囉!


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