
The movie "Almost Perfect"that I did last year will launch in China at the end of May and I'm very excited!

I will be going to China for promotions starting in Hunan on the 9th and 10th of May then in Beijing on 11th and 12th.I will also attend the Premiere at the end of May in Shanghai.

I'm looking forward to recording the tv shows and doing all the interviews with the press.Definitely hope to see all of you as well!

You must all watch it as it is a romantic comedy and You will see a very different side of me!


去年我在雲南大理拍的古裝片 "十全九美" 終於要上映了! 十全九美這部電影會在5月底會在內地全國上映


我將會在9日, 10日到湖南長沙宣傳, 11日12日到北京宣傳. 5月底會到上海宣傳參加首映會.

很期待這次宣傳會上電視節目還有各個媒體專訪 , 也很期待我即將又會跟大家見面!

你們一定要看這一部浪漫喜劇電影!  在這部電影裡, 可以看到不一樣的立威廉!!


"十全九美" 電影



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