
I've been in Taiwan for a couple of weeks now and caught up with some friends.I also had a chance to meet a couple of friends who  came over from HongKong.They just got married in Vancouver and I would like to congratulate them!

I met them when I was in HK a few years ago and they have been together for many years so I'm very happy for them!

I just watched a movie called "Definitely,Maybe" and I think it is pretty good!

It is a romantic comedy about meeting the right person at the right time.If you meet the right person at the wrong time then it is also not going to work. I thought the movie was quite touching.Maybe if you are free in Taiwan, you can watch it.


我兩個禮拜在台灣難得有時間跟我朋友見面. 剛好這一次我有兩個香港朋友來台灣可以碰面. 他們兩個是我認識多年的好友,  他們已經在一起很久了. 前一陣子在溫哥華結婚. 我很替他們開心!

回來台灣這段期間有時間看電影, 最近看了一部電影 "愛情三選一" 是浪漫喜劇愛情推理片. 是敘述人在談戀愛時如果遇到對的人但時間不對, 也不能在一起. 或時間對了遇到不對的人也不能在一起. 這一切都是緣分. 我覺得這一部電影很好看. 有很多的感動.  大家有時間可以去看喔!  



David , Jeff and me!

Me and Jon and 小籠包

剛結婚幸福的Alana and Jon

我和Allen!! 記得嗎?他是 "天國嫁的嫁衣" 裡的 Stan!



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