I recently found out that there is someone impersonating me on Friendster.I would like to inform everyone that I'm not on Friendster or any other public websites and it is someone else pretending to be me.Please do not be fooled by this person and be careful.

If the person pretending to be me is reading this then be warned that it is an offence to impersonate someone on Friendster and legal action will be taken against you when you are traced.

最近發現有人用我的名字在Friendster交友, 我想告訴大家我沒有加入或在網站上交友,  請大家小心! 不要上當!

如果有人發現這個人或是你看到這篇文章請你小心! 請你趕快把你的帳號取消! 因為你已經犯法了! 請大家注意! !


    leonjaywilliams 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()